Originally a term for NEETs and shut-ins that do not even have a shard of personal or social interactions with people they have known or know outside of online communities. In modern times, the phrase is frowned upon, and those who say it are immediately considered to be immature or egotistical. This is because of an abundance of children on the internet repeatedly and obnoxiously using the word as an insult, regardless of whether or not they do "have a life."
(During an online chat, someone asks the users what they enjoy personally.)
Person 1: I personally enjoy playing video games. I even have a collection of them!
Person 2: LOL, VIDEO GAMES? You have no life!
Person 1: Actually, I do have a life, so fuck off, you fucking 11 year old.
Person 1 : Look that guy has no life
Person 2: Don't be to hard on yourself
Something we say when the shit hits the fan.
John: “Honey, I’m afraid I curbed one of the wheels on our car today. I’m so sorry”.
Toni: “Really? Shit!!!, Well that’s life I guess”.
something people (like angry family members, meanies, poo-poo heads) tell us all to get, but never tell us where...
P1: "get a life"
P2: "where?"
Something you can never have and you can only fantasise about.
Yea that dude definitely has a life
I could have saved one tonight but no one will fucking listen to me. Who's fault I'd that!? Yours you piece of shit.
Hym "What does it take to save a life? You don't fucking know. Because you don't understand heroism. You are what I thought you were."
If your an adult 40 years+ its shit
Kids 25 years and below its the best thing ever
4👍 2👎