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Jwett Master

A special person who finds different ways to put his whole team on. Everytime the Jwett master finds a new Scam or other ways to defraud a financial scheme for thousands of dollars and some cases millions of dollars, He puts all his men in position to make money with him its never him by his self. So when you see his whole crew including family members with rolex watches and luxurious life style's its because of him. Thats why he's special and thats why everyone calls him the Jwett master. So If you find a Jwett Master in your family or friends do not be disloyal it can also lead to your death.

That boy kush a Jwett Master everytime he catches a play he put me on
My Dawg a Jwett Master everytime he catch a play he put the whole hood on.
I cant go against the Jwett Master he got enough money to kill us ALL.

i was never a jwetter until i met a jwett master.

by JWETT MASTER November 23, 2021

Master Yi

Master Yi AKA Auto Attack King is the second most cancer Champion in League of Legends before yasuo. this champion can double auto you and kill you.If you played master yi and didnt take 3 pentas in one game your teamates probably reported you cause you are unskilled.

ADC's in 2k17 LUL -Master YI

by RG Godd June 18, 2017

quizz master

Most annoying person known to man, can't read and stuggles to pronounce words correctly

What is with that quizz master?

by Angry12 May 13, 2016

Session Master

A master of sessions, one that knows how to execute the perfect session, including method, time, and place.

Jackson is a session master.

by Session Master November 9, 2011

Master Wadleigh

The genius who had a moment of inspiration and thought of "pound it" instead of the over-used word, "hashtag". Also the general of the Military Acapella Group on Skis (whom he taught to pull out), Master Wadleigh is an idol to us all.

While we were at the broccli tree, Master Wadleigh said, "what's happening?"

by MATOS member January 6, 2013

slack master

A true man of leisure. It takes some real practice to get good at almost doing nothing while still enjoying yourself to the max.

After Jack won the lotto, he resumed his lifelong slacker quest to become the ultimate slack master -- by "trying not to try".

by Sorbe1 August 6, 2015


One whom wields a Turkey Baster in order to create the perfect amount of meat moisture during Thanksgiving.

During Thanksgiving, Grandma dubbed me Master-Baster.

by The Irv November 29, 2010