This is an act for a real sports fan. MLB (major league baseball) fanatics take a baseball, bllube it up with their favorite melon juice, and cram it up their asshole when their team scores a home-run.
I got so excited when the Dodgers scored a homer, I gave myself a hard melon right then and there, at the family reunion.
guy 1: have you herd of cocomelon
guy 2: oh yeah that stupid ass melon
Fierce and sweet in a nice cup size package
"man, that game was shark melon cup, sigma!"
Coco melon is a complement used only by the most autistic of people. If you call something coco melon you are agreeing it has more chromosomes than you.
Stop shitting in the sink hulio!
No shitting in the sink is coco melon!
When five or more men hold a melon up in midair with nothing but their penis.
Hey man ya' wanna go melon surfin' today?
Yo me an' the homies are coming to my place today to melon surf , you in?
To spread the buttcheeks of a woman and perform oral on her anus.
I will crack the melon in the shower.
A plant in the Plants vs. Zombies franchise which hurls melons at Zombies which can deal splash damage as well as dealing huge damage to them at a long-range distance.
"Getting 2 Melon-pults will allow me to pretty much defend any Zombie beside Football Zombies and Gargantuars."