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Linden High School (Michigan)

A School located in Linden, Michigan full of people that will never amount to anything. Approximately 80% of the students have tried marijuana and of those that have tried, 90% smoke it regularly because they are losers. The football team is pretty much the only good part of the school, having won a majority of the regular season games, but then end up getting their assholes eaten out in a disgusting manner during the playoffs, esp. during the 2010 playoffs when the starting quarterback threw more passes for touchdowns to the Goodrich Martians, than to his own team. Students fit into one or more of the following categories: Jock; Douchebag; Prep; Whore; Pothead; Loner; Bitch; Obnoxious; or Smart-ass. Those who graduate from Linden usually remain in the area until they die because they are all racist pricks who would get their pussies ripped in half if they were to go to a major city.

Student 1: "What school do you go to?"
Student 2: "Linden High School (Michigan)."
Student 1: "Really?"
Student 2: "Yea, why?"
Student 1: "That means you're a fucking loser. Bye."

by formereagle July 24, 2011

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michigan muddy milkshake

the act of pooping in a cup then ejaculating and or jizzing into the same cup then making your women eat that shit, then she will have a delicious snake and shut up already

dude she shut up when i gave her that michigan muddy milkshake

by fjhafjhasfjkhasfjkmax December 16, 2010

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Macomb County Michigan

White trash baby killers

Macomb County Michigan is run by generations of white trash baby killers.

by bishop777___ November 23, 2021

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Michigan back-out

When someone loses a bet and doesn't pay up. Or pays half and backs out of the deal.

Mike pulled a michigan back-out when he lost at horseshoes.

by chiefknutz September 1, 2009

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Bloomfield Hills Michigan

a middle class exurb in california. people with 500k mortgages. blowing every penny of their 200k income. half the kids are fucked up for life and end up broke and asking for money at age 60.

where is my thousand dollars for quitting smoking (Bloomfield Hills Michigan)

by jewberg November 7, 2007

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Michigan Double Dip

It's when you are skinny dipping with some ladies in Lake Michigan and follow up by doing one of them in the ass. Then later that night you go and do the same thing with some of your closet gay friends.

Mike and I are going to pull a Michigan Double Dip. You in?

by obwon420 March 24, 2009

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Southeast Michigan Steam roller

The act of shotgunning a blunt into ones ass and having them fart the smoke into your mouth

"Daryl's weed tasted like shit but after a few Southeast Michigan Steam Rollers I was baked"

by Deezg December 3, 2020