Source Code

Never leave a man behind

When someone starts drinking a drink and doesnt finish it. this is said to remind them to finish it.
started by Gabby's friend Bob's brother. Nobody actually says it, but Gabby seems to think so.

Bob: well im done with this drink.
Gabby: its not finished... NEVER LEAVE A MAN BEHIND! ahahahahahah! im funny,
Bob: shut up you fucking mexican.

by Sidenote October 9, 2006

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we'll never play you again

See definition for Leeds United.

Man U supporter to a Leeds supporter: We'll never play you again, we'll never play you again

by Jit May 17, 2004

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I'll never wash my pants

A phrase often used by men and women alike after being, ahem, "affected" by another person.

Guy 1: Did you see that girl in the skirt bending over to pick up her penny?

Guy 2: Yes. And I'll never wash these pants again.

by Neko~ December 3, 2004

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u.s. never-cell-out field

A shitty ballpark on the south side of chicago that lives up to its name: Never Sells Out. Home of the Chicago White Sux, the shittier of the chicago teams. Note that it's the Chicago Cubs that get 3 million fans a year at home games, because they're so much better than the sux.

Famed for being the world's largest ghetto

a place where no one gives a flying fuck about baseball because they're all just trying to survive a sux game.

U.S. Never-Cell-Out Field: Where there are more drive-by's than line drives!

by spaghetti cormorant September 3, 2008

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Never pour gravy in a miner's hat

Well would you like it if someone poured gravy in your hat!No?Yeah exactly!

"Oi lets go piss off TJ"

"Never pour gravy in a miner's hat"

by NIGHTY G May 31, 2019

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Never let love conquer knowledge

"Never let love conquer knowledge" -azhaiaziam

don't let love get in the way or make you forget about what you already know.. (about a person)

"Never let love conquer knowledge"

You know your boyfriends cheats but you forgive him because you love him..

by Lani Nguyen September 22, 2011

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The Greatest Thing I've Never Seen

Phrase: Used sarcastically in reply after someone tells you a personal story that was overall stupid, uninteresting and hard to follow;

said in order to imply that the story would only be funny if you were there to witness/experience

Person 1: "... Then the girl was all like "At least I didn't do this and such!" and then I was like "No, you don't get it like that. It's like this you bitch! HAHA!" It was seriously so funny, like you have no idea!"
Person2: "Wow that is The Greatest Thing I've Never Seen."

by hansonpaulsey November 15, 2009

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