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Price rape

When a company i.e. Nike hypes and hypes a product and then releases the product at a ridiculously high price, then get away with it because everybody wants it so badly.

Anthony: Did you see the price tag on those shoes?!?

Lucas: Yeah, it was ridiculous.

Anthony: Talk about a price rape.

by Aivalleb December 27, 2010

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a rape in the park

The opposite of a walk in the park.

That music class was supposed to be really easy. It turned out to be a rape in the park. Don't take it.

by lord_of_win September 24, 2010

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rape hysteria

The result of Social Justice Warriors defining everything sexual men do as rape. It devalues the term, and can cause those who have actually suffered to be lumped in with the attention seeking ideologues. That and when a man is accused of rape, he is guilty be default with no chance to explain himself of prove innocence.

This rape hysteria is getting out of hand, I was called a rapist just for saying that girl looked hot

by liquid death October 24, 2017

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Tickle Rape

The act of tickling someone, even when they protest through laughing and kicking. Generally the victim does not want to be tickled, but is forced to endure it anyway, usually and hopefully from a friend.

We tickle raped Suzie last night at the party, she kept yelling no even though she was laughing so hard she could barely breathe.

by RoninX May 7, 2008

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Ear Rape

In verbal electronic communication (ventrillo, skype, teamspeak, etc), when a person speaks/plays a sound, usually to annoy/antagonise the other listener(s), at such a high volume and/or pitch that can damage the listener(s) hearing/speakers.

I was on my game's vent server and this raider kept comming and and giving us ear rape! I threw my headphones down in a panic and they broke!

by Bigmacattacks July 24, 2006

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retina rape

1. Staring at someone in a manner that indicates a sexual interest.

2. Looking at someone to the point at which they are being undressed in one's mind.

"My teammates and I totally got retina raped at the truck stop last night."

"Don't look, but that creepy guy is so retina raping you."

by myspace.com/jasonheartxcore October 19, 2006

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rape tickling

Being held down and tickled against your will.

No matter how hard I begged, he wouldn't stop rape tickling me.

by vagcab October 19, 2013