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The business hour

The business hour is the regonial hour from 10:30 to 11:30. During this time meetings, exchanges, and other happenings of business are to occur. The business hour is commonly adressed by rolling up your pant legs while greeting your partner of business to symbolize your dedication to your order of business.

It is 10:30, tis the business hour!

by Father B November 7, 2018

Nobody’s Business

To do something well or to excel at something.

My little brother can pitch like nobody’s business. He struck out 6 batters in a row in the game yesterday.

by Breaking dancing on cardboard July 15, 2021

Crack Busy

You are so busy, that you need crack to keep on going at the pace needed.

Kate was crack busy writing material for her comedy sketch show.

by Bob Backinstash December 12, 2008

gettin busy

To be on something or contracted
Having strict dues to work on
Responsibilities or something to resolve mentally or physically

Sometimes not human , but it's the same (could make people anxious)

" I really need to get out of depression but I'm gettin busy "
" It might not seem like it but I'm gettin busy "
" I was getting busy and I remembery friends told me I should try something. "

by Jm8a April 2, 2023

Business Sexual

Business sexual is the next step up from business casual attire, where you sex it up a bit. Ladies wearing slightly shorter and tighter dresses, higher heels, more skin. Men wearing tighter jeans, deeper v-necks, fewer buttons done, looser hair, etc.

Bob: “hey bro, what’s the attire for the group dinner tonight?”
Tom: “it’s business sexual..”
Bob: “what’s business sexual?”
Tom: “so dress like you would for an afternoon business event, but sex it up a bit..”
Bob: “oh nice! I just got a new pair of Jordan 1’s I’ve been looking to break out.”

by The Auroch December 12, 2022

romance is a business

Romantic relationships are a business because every man and every woman in a romantic relationship does all they can to get the most from the other person and give much or little in return. (Dear Urban Dictionary Staff: This definition and the sentence below are edits to my original post)

ROMANCE IS A BUSINESS because many people who fall in love start giving the most they can to the person they fell in love with without asking for something in return, the true purpose at the core of falling in love is always to at some point get or take the most from the person they fell in love with.

by but for February 29, 2020

business transaction

Money or services exchanged for services or product.

"How'd the business transaction go last night?"
"Good, I gave her 20 bones and she did a little slob on my knob"

by cpt_beef September 20, 2011