A guy who has a compulsive need to spit into the urinal or toilet before or as he is urinating into it.
Guy #1: "Fred really wants to dominate urinals or something, he is always spitting AND pissing into them like they are some German porno actress."
Guy #2: "Nah man, he's just a spit-pisser that's all."
When you gape the anus of your partner, just to spit a single orb into their anus.
Come on up stairs steve were spittin in bums! Gonna have a blast bum spitting.
Looking very similar or identical to another person or thing
John is the spitting double of his father
Done very quickly or efficiently. Lickity split. In a jiffy. Origin unknown.
Jimmy tackled that shit-clogged drain rather spit-fiddly, didn't he?
A comparison for things that you would never put in your mouth.
I am not putting that in my mouth, that's like slut's spit!
When a girl puts ray bans on before the guy cums so it doesn't get in her eyes. She then wipes it off and uses it as lotion to moisturize her nipples.
"Dude, I gave Sherry spit glasses, her nips tasted great!"
lawson cum spit glasses nips lotion anal