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train shot

50% off liquor shots at Commerce Sports Bar & Grill in Commerce, GA when the train comes through town.

Hey bartender, give me a train shot.

by DrankDranks69 January 8, 2020

Vibe train

This is when one is truly detected to the vibe. Someone on the vibe train will never fail a vibe check.

I’m just riding the vibe train sipping on the sweat nectar of life.

by Leo is my dog December 6, 2019

Complain Train

This is a metaphor that describes the complaints that are aired by people who have just taken a right on the struggle bus.

It can also be used to describe situations where some is constantly complaining about something over and over again

Jack: *spills water on shirt*
John: Wow dude you are really ridin the struggle bus today
Jack:Shut the frick up dude it wasnt my fault I hate you
John:....and here comes the complain train

When Jack hates his job soooo much and he tells everyone on earth about it like 50 times, Jack is riding the complain train.

by BK Lounge22 July 15, 2013

Like train

A situation where a friend looks through a group chat from since they were last online on a social media app such as Instagram, and continually likes the messages that they agree with or find funny that they have missed as a result of being inactive.

Here comes the Dimmi like train!

by Humoooo January 30, 2021

Infinity Train

The last good show on Cartoon Network. An animated show created by Owen Dennis. There are 4 books in the series.

Unfortunately, Cartoon Network has cancelled Infinity Train after Book 4.

by Cohenfan31 August 27, 2021

Munt Train

To jump on the munt train is to get munted.

Dave: Whats doin tonight timmy?
Timmy: Im so getting on the munt train tonight.
Dave: Gonna get munted aye?
Timmy: I'm gonna be beyond munted and past cunted i'm gonna be scunted.

by putridcunt April 3, 2010

Train Whistle

When a partner inserts their finger into another partners ass and they proceed to fart around that finger.

I put my finger in their butt and they pulled a train whistle on me!

by cfosta August 12, 2019

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