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Republican Party

A white-collar crime organization; a pack of criminally insane political prostitutes without consciences, who have buried their faces in the public pie as though it were a feeding trough, and done nothing but loot the treasury for six long years. Only a fool or a whore would consider the current Republican Party a conservative party. Insofar as fiscal restraint and limited government are the defining features of the conservative position, the Republicriminal Party couldn’t be any fucking farther from Conservative.

If you think the Republican Party is conservative you have shit for brains.

by Uncle Dungheap June 4, 2006

2119πŸ‘ 13921πŸ‘Ž

after party

Generally coming from Hollywood slang for a better, more fun party, occurring after another, more boring, party.
May also be used to describe activity that occurs after the club/bar scene is closed for the night.

"Seriously hate these work-related shin-digs."
"Don't worry. There's a kick-ass after party at Kate's. We just have to lose the big-wigs."

"Why do the clubs close at two?"
"S'all right- after party at Tom's- just stick w/ me."

by Amarie23153 May 18, 2008

65πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Pool Party

A party that focuses on swimming in a pool as the main premise

One of the only socially acceptable ways for half-naked people to wrestle around, even with other people's boyfriends/girlfriends

I went to a pool party last night. Everyone must have been horny as hell or something, because everywhere I looked were people sprawled all over each other, even the people that were supposedly taken. Not that I'm complaining or anything!

by DROCK2265 July 25, 2010

59πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

house party

A party at your house which usually does not involve the consent of your parents, so theres lots of alcohol and people getting crazy, your house gets wrecked and you wish it never happened. So basically the worst decision you could ever make.

Puke on parents bed, carpets, house in a bad state, lawnmower on shag-pile carpet you get the idea

by G-Man January 5, 2005

522πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

Peach Party

The opposite of a sausage party, a peach party is a social gathering dominated by women with few or no males at all. It tends to be downer for any women looking for guys to hook up with.

Gina was scouting for guys but ended up at a peach party so she went home alone.

by Jayburgh January 27, 2016

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Blumpkin Party

Usually takes place in a public restroom. 3 or more blumpkins occuring at the same time in ajoining stalls. Switching of partners allowwed.

That blumpkin party was amazing!

by DDP March 24, 2005

60πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Party Box

The aromatic scent reminiscent of dead hot fish from a women’s vagina after a long night of partying/dancing with friends.

Guy 1: Dude whats that smell?
Guy 2: Ahh man thats my balls, I hooked up with this chick after a crawfish boil and she had a really bad party box.
Guy 1: ahh

by snipsnip182 April 27, 2009

49πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž