- n. | Anyone currently in the act of attempting to harm an individual.
- n. | Any homosexual that will uproar at a homophobic remark.
- v. | A visible state of drunkenness.
Look at all these <RAGING JOHNNY'S>... Give em' more beer! It's fucking St. Patrick's Day.
The act of consuming the popular alcoholic energy drink "Four Loko" and then acting unruly and disruptive. Often times, those who are raging are prone to break things (particularly thermostats and paper towel dispensers), fight people, unwillingly penetrating unsuspecting female women, verbally abuse authority figures, and start riots.
Most commonly found across college campuses in the United States, notably York College of Pennsylvania.
Bro, Bob was on a hardcore Loko Rage, he totally drop kicked a paper towel dispenser off the bathroom wall last night.
when people get angry about a text that was misunderstood. This usually happens when the texter forgets that sarcasm and charming voices do not carry well via text. The textee then feels that anger or ill will has been presented and lashes out against the unsuspecting sender of the original text. Friendships have been severed and spouses have been murdered due to such trivial matters. It's amazing we are all still alive to read this bit of nonsense.
Upon reading and misunderstanding his wife's text, he fell into a fit of text rage, throwing his cell phone across the room and watching it smash into pieces.
Another colloquial description of a male erection.
Man, I have such a raging stand right now!
Everytime I see Britney she gives me a raging stand!
When something sets your temper off and you end up going down a rage rabbit hole, releasing all your pent up frustrations in a self destructive manner.
Microsoft messed up my laptop again with another one of their unwanted updates. The frustration led to a full blown rage bender in which I'm now going off about Microsoft, Apple, the incompetence of my government, the cost of various insurances, and the fact that the times on the clocks in my house don't match as well.
To become infuriated with an online multiplayer game due to lag issues despite having a good connection.
Man I cant get a shot to connect, but I should have full ping. I'm gonna Griz Rage
Willing to party harder than most people.
Guy 1: "Want to get fucked up, set animals loose, throw people in trees, set fire to everything we see, rape bitches in the streets, and commit acts of genocide?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, I'm for sure down to rage."