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Turtle Shuffle

When you have a shit trying to poke out of your anus and you are trying to shuffle slowly to the crapper before it comes completely out.

Dude I had to crap so bad I was doing the turtle shuffle to the bathroom.

by Maple Backwoods September 14, 2011

The Cuban Shuffle

The action of shuffling cars around in a driveway or elsewhere to get the one car that is stuck in front out. Usually takes two or more people.

<scene> guys chilling early friday night with some beers>>>

Cory: Yo I got to leave
Sam: Dude... its still early and mikes blocking you in.
Cory: Hey mike i need you to help me do the cuban shuffle so i can go.
Mike: pussssss

by samanthagrace August 4, 2012

bathroom shuffle

when you and your roommates smoke weed in the bathroom because your landlords are assholes and don't let you smoke in the backyard

roommate 1: tryna hit the bathroom shuffle?
roommates 2, 3 & 4: fuck ya!

by fuckdaops September 7, 2020

Massachusetts Shuffle

A similar maneuver to the Jersey Slide, where a car moves from the far left lane to the exit in one swift motion, except while using a turn signal

Look at this Masshole pulling a Massachusetts Shuffle! He nearly cut me off!

by PeachOfPaper August 10, 2019

The Hallway Shuffle

The Hallway Shuffle occurs when you are walking down the hallway at school directly towards someone, and when you go to step around them, they step the same way, resulting in a shuffle until you can finally get around each other.

Jim: Dude, yesterday I was doing The Hallway Shuffle for like, 10 minutes.

by mmmmmtaters March 14, 2010

Connectworks Shuffle

After a full week of hard labour, you give your co-worker a firm punch in the sensitive parts area. Hence setting off a connectworks shuffle.

Hank: Haha did you watch Mark getting hit by a well-performed connectworks shuffle last friday?
Kyle: That hurt just by watching it.

by Lord Bucket September 16, 2021

Ramsey Shuffle

The act of being tea bagged and slapping your tongue at it like a lizard.

He woke up to a ball sack and started licking it as if doing the Ramsey Shuffle.

by Seymour Twats April 16, 2015