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my space

myspace used to be, for generally OLDER more MATURE well GROWN UP persons to meet new people because they are far too much of carpet munchers to go up to people on their own and resort to a computer to meet them, now it has come to the point where PREteeangers post personality quizs that they lied on, purposely use slutty pictures to attract older man the opposite of their color, write a bullshiting biography so people will (hopefully) find them cool and believe that it is some kind of secret replacment for livejournal even though they have no idea how to use the blogging tool, so they just comment their lives off, but mostly tell each other how hotottttt or sexxxiii or "pretty" each other are, just so they like each other, even though in the back of their minds they are just saying, "that bitch is so hideous" and so they post this shit all over the internet, they are dumb enough to make one, and they are even dumber to think that the internet they post iton only their gay bag friends view even though the entire school reads it, so you approach this hideous piece of shit and say, "hey i have seen your myspace" and they go, "WHAT WHO ARE YOU!?!?! YOU STALKER" and you say, "um it's public, that is not stalking" and then they realize ohhh yeahh like DUH!

"Oh wow hey joe, nice to see you, I'm glad we found a way to keep in touch"
"yes that's rad, we should get together"

*late night online randomly searching this trashbags and comes across a picture of an 8th grader wearing her underwear posing like a porn star*
*in school the next day coming across the girl in your algebra class*
"hey i saw your myspace over the weekend"

by Devereaux May 31, 2005

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space junk

High quality cocaine.

"got space junk?"

"give me some of that fucking space junk!"

by spacestud August 11, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Space Nigger

A future derogatory term for a race of alien life that will eventually cohabitate on Earth who humans will discriminate against and feel prejudice, resentment, and intolerance toward just as members of the human race do to one another because of their different culture, lifestyle, appearance, and beliefs.

"After a long, seemingly never ending battle with the United States congress, the Decapodians from Decapod 10 were successful in the campaign to pass a bill for universal healthcare for all planets. The bill was then passed into law in the year 3047."

"Damn space niggers, always trying to get something for nothing from the great planet Earth! Why don't they go back where they came from!?"

by JeezusKriestSooperstarr November 13, 2013

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space mermaid

Mythological creatures typically seen after consuming mass amounts of delicious natty ice, also resulting in not laying the pipe one was very confident in at the begining of the night.

"Dude!" "spacemerms" "Holy shit bro, did you see that fucking space mermaid"?

by chillyfuckingwilly February 17, 2014

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

space sex

having sex at the peak of your high.

"jane and i smoked a bong, listened to motown, and had space sex before getting the munchies and eating pizza."

by darin p December 23, 2013

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Space Blunt

A blunt rolled with honey oil, concentrated THC powder, then packed with of your finest chronic. N smoke it, see you in space..

Dude, totally just blazed like 4 space blunts, man I'm level 23 space cadet

by Matty Boii604 August 2, 2011

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Space Ear

a condition suffered mostly by women but can afflict men with long hair whereby an ear (and in extreme cases, both ears) begins to protrude through a gap in the hair causing the ear to appear to 'float in space'

Davina McCall from Channel 4's Big Brother is a chronic sufferer of Space Ear

by spaceear August 27, 2008

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