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The act (or attempt or result) of writing one's name in the snow by a female, or other such feat of aimed urination.

Courtney may be red hot, but you can't read her doodly-squat. Sue can doo it.

by HydeeeHo April 24, 2011

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Squat Squad

A group of nine girls that DO no physical exercise and spend all their time on the Internet. These groups of girls pretend they work out and have a social life but really don't.

You see those girls over there they said they wee just at the gym, but they smell like pizza. What a squat squad...

by The Squatters November 27, 2016

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FB Squatting

Where a creepy FB Stalker or creepy mind numb follower takes over another person's FaceBook page by consistently posting focus group tested talking points and other demagoguery with extremely long vapid and inane comments. Also, the FB Squatter believes the person he/she is FB Squatting cannot function without his/her incredibly lame posts. Also, an FB Squatter regularly believes themselves to be witty and hilarious while embarrassing themselves with their schlocky posts.

A creepy Guy luvs FB Squatting on AZ CD-8's page while deluding himself that he is her "knight in shining armor."

by JhayEm June 9, 2010

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squatted truck owner

A squatted truck owner is someone who has a few extra chromosomes and smokes meth well building the truck to where the front of the truck is lifted in the air so when you're driving all you can see is the sky. There though process causes them to become very hostile. you manage to see a gaggle of Squatted truck owners you can see them rev their engines well impersonating a bird by throwing their arms up and down and jumping in there truck's bed. they are an extremely unintelligent species of you're more typical human. they tend to think they are the best at everything but in reality, nobody likes them for there extensive meth use and there obnoxious nature

you look there's a squatted truck owner lets go beat him up

by The big mamma t November 15, 2021

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Otter Pop Squat

Having a frozen Otterpop put in girls ass once thawed squat over your face and let thawed otter pop drain in to your mouth.

That bitch is so fine I would let her do an otter pop squat.

by JonBoypepsi August 26, 2008

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hoboken squat cobbler

Hoboken Squat Cobbler involves a naked man sitting down on a pie and wiggling around. Crying may or may not be involved. It’s a fetish.

I had my Hoboken squat cobbler videos stolen

by mcallirm April 28, 2016

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Jackpot of Jack Squat

Absolutely fucking nothing.

When your friend says something stupid: β€œCharlie I think you’re onto something. The jackpot of Jack squat.”

by VNSpano127 May 31, 2023