Terry, a dumbass who's good at some game and only eats snacks usually a Kirby meat rider.
Rando:Omg terry I think Goku really solos.
Terry:NO. Kirby's the best ever he has a pocket dimension for a stomach
The name for a girl some the some trashy guys are born with. Terry is usually to first to lend you a stolen item as he takes one from behind your back. He typically tries selling your own items due to such high levels of stupidity and sad pussy excuses. Usually tries covering up lies with worse lies before he drives home searching for people to stalk before going home and fucking a wife the size of a whale.
Someone stole my rent money. All my buddy’s are telling me it had to be a terry.
A person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.
departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.
The Terry's sexual behavior was both unusual and illegal.
Terry is a nice guy, he wear overalls and packs fat dips. Terry will help anyone but is not a good secret keeper. Terry knows every country song and thinks he can sing.
That redneck over there is such a terry
Terry is one of the most intelligent, caring, loving, and overall the best guy to always have around. He will always do whatever it takes to lift you up when you feel down, and he will never let go of you until the day he dies. If he is in your life make sure that you never let him leave because one day you will miss him a lot. If Terry tells you that he loves you, he means it with all his heart. He will always be willing to listen to your problems and help you through life and always make sure that you are okay. If you ever have a brother named Terry, just know that he will always maintain his focus on helpings others instead of helping himself because he feels like that is the only thing that will help him be happy.
George:Hey did i ever tell you about how Terry is always there for me no matter what?
Anthony: No man but I really wish I had someone like Terry in my life forever.
Terry is a very mad person. He is bipolar but most of the time he is very mad at you, he screams at you for any reason, he gets mad so quick. He is black, just like his dick. He teaches math but if u don't get something right he gets mad at u.
Person A: Terry always gets mad at me, I hate being with him in his class.
Person B: I know, I wish I could get out of these class of shit.