A mid anime show where when man-eating Titans first appeared 100 years ago, humans found safety behind massive walls that stopped the giants in their tracks. But the safety they have had for so long is threatened when a colossal Titan smashes through the barriers, causing a flood of the giants into what had been the humans' safe zone. During the carnage that follows, soldier Eren Jaeger sees one of the creatures devour his mother, which leads him to vow that he will kill every Titan. He enlists some friends who survived to help him, and that group is humanity's last hope for avoiding extinction at the hands of the monsters. the show was made back in April 7, 2013,
Now when I said mid Mid'
Mid is essentially a shorthand version of the adjective 'mediocre'. The slang term is defined by Urban Dictionary as: βUsed to insult or degrade an opposing opinion, labelling it average or poor quality.β
So attack on titan is definitely not peak...
And peak... To me it just means that it's the absolute best of the best on the medium, and "peak fiction" means that it's one of the greatest stories from any medium. (Death note)
Jimmy:hey bro do you want to watch attack on titan?
Kevin:nah bro attack on titan is so mid let's watch deathnote it's way better than attack on titan
there never was a prime cookie.
the Soyboy Beast Titan is militarizing the other titans
When you take a fat shit and leave it in the toilet bowl to ferment. It's impossible to flush and has to be pulled out with hands. It has to be at least 2 inches wide and 8 inches long to classify as a titanic shit.
"Did you see that titanic shit I took in the school bathroom earlier?"
The curse happens when the enitity know as "Soul OF A Titan" interacts with anything they could be taken into a negative outcome.
P1: "Hey, I just had a really bad game. There was this guy name Soul of a Titan"
P2: "bro you just got a "Curse of a Titan""
P1: "o sheit"
Titanic SHIP
The Titanic was an ocean liner steaming between 1900 and 1911. It was sunk by an iceberg on the 31th of May 1911
βThe titanic went downβ
βWe were searching for the R.M.S. Titanic wreckβ
I literally live for this movie
Titanic saved my life
Kate Winslet & Leonardo Dicaprio are the best humans ever
Iβm a big big big fan of this movie
Me: I always cry when I watch Titanic