Zack coffer is known to man as one who is an excuse merchant who is ashamed of his actions and does not think about how it makes others feel. He has a small Willy and one that does not satisfy the needs of those who touch it (if there are any)
A kid who screams random ass noises, ranging from a cow being raped to a duck being choked. Often hangs out with Nathan Stinson, Adam Sterling, Phillipe Redmond, Ian Portell, and TJ Gulyas, who are all complete fucking retards who shouldn't exist on planet earth because they are Satan spawn.
A zack wallace!
A typical disabled brit, loves tea, and hates schwarz, is a Borris johnson wanna be, also commited slavery and was behind the september 11 attacks, only eats peanut butter but claims its pork which is haram, supports man city which demonstartes low iq. Favourite word is twat. He is also special, aye.
Zack speshIngold is the following...
Zacke is very known for his very sexy mother and his special ability to ignore someone in 1000years. But the only thing that he can save the world with is his enormous heart and booty
Person 1: I think I saw the biggest booty in town to day....
Person 2: You mean Zacke Wessborg?
Person 1: Yes!!!!!