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circle head

close minded pothead; cannot live without someone to follow; small man, big mouth;

Circle head is nothing without her leader.

by shnoogins March 16, 2005

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Friendship Circle

Noun: The Place men get put into when woman do not want to hook up with them. Terms to look out for "like a brother" "Best Friend" "someone i can really talk to"

"Your So nice to me your Like my best friend"
"Your like my brother, your so good to me"
Woman :"can we still be Friends? cus your a wicked sweet guy"
Man to Buddy: Dude she just threw me in the friendship circle

by Ryan Flavin April 5, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

family circle

when a group of people who are good friends/family get a little too intimate and it becomes awkward.

Yesterday I was sitting with my best friend and I accidentally grabbed his butt and he smacked mine. Then there was an awkward silence. It was a total family circle.

by unicornwhaddup March 11, 2011

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Driving in circles

Hopping in the car to take a ride to no place in particular for the sole purpose of smoking up.

"What did you this afternoon?"
"Oh, nothing. We just drove in cirlces and played some Golden Tee."

by TC March 24, 2005

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circle of death

a drinking game similar to Kings in which a deck of cards is spread around a can in the middle of a table and players draw cards in order, each card having a specific value or meaning

When playing the circle of death, Ken drew a four of spades, so he drank four shots. Lisa got the queen, so she became the question master.

by Bob the Giraffe July 7, 2006

21๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Red Circle

The term used to describe a situation that could not possibly get worse. Derived from the most amateur hockey league in the world- far below Bush League.

Dude #1: I bailed on my skateboard, broke my ankle and then proceeded to faceplant into mud. then three of the hottest girls i have ever seen stood there and laughed at me.

Dude #2: Fuck man, that's so red circle.

by Adam Goodman Horowitz March 25, 2010

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circle steak

A fancy ass hamburger. Contrary to what Sarah Thomas says...it's not a dick. It's a god damn hamburger

Yo player! We bout to grill up some circle steaks!

by Not John Ferek July 2, 2017

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