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a type of writing untensil use on paper, Also used for the butt

a pencil is very good at writing on my paper.

by pe-n-cil April 28, 2022


Something you will need because your to fucking lazy to go to the dollar store and buy your own

Go get your own fucking pencil

by ctrl+alt+delete ur mother November 11, 2022


A type of wood

I have 10000000000000000000000000 pencil's!

by RRReeeggg November 18, 2020


the only weapon that is allowed in school.

"I just stabbed a student with my pencil."

by bean chan May 8, 2019


a wooden stick with poison to stab people in the eye with ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dear teachers, this is a perfect weapon for u to use against those students you hate...
Good luck starting the purge of pencils

by ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ) March 5, 2019


Analism Contraction used for Analing and thrusting in and out of the anus until shat on

Person 1: Koen used his pencil so strong on me
Person 2: Oh really?, does it feel good?
Person 1: Very, I love the way he sticks it all the way up me

by KoenArpsHasAVeryMoistyPencil March 14, 2021


Wood with led in it.

I wrote this text with a pencil.

by Dudleifskivebom January 22, 2019