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Hey look here I found an old picture from 1994 with those toasters trains running the Metroliner service, good old days 🥲

by EMD F59PHI August 31, 2024


Toaster, also known as the forbidden bath bomb. Is the kitchen appliance for the single purpose of burning sliced bread

Person 1: hey man, can you warm up the forks in the toaster
Person 2:sure thing man
Person 1: hey dude, are you done?
Person 1: dude?

by Tragedy of earth gonk the wise March 17, 2021


Someone who acts like a birch and gives off general toastery vibes
Also the definition of Cameron

You’re such a toaster!
You toaster!

by Badbirch69 December 5, 2020


a person who's had sexual intercouse with atleast 3 people from the same sorority or fraternity

Jeff: Yo, should I lay the pipe on Jenny tonight?

Ben: Ooooh I wouldn't.. If you are, at least wear a condom, she's a toaster bro.
Jeff: Yeah fuck that, good call. She's done the team.

by peckerface22 December 10, 2016



guy 1: toaster

guy 2: toaster

by toastermangiant July 9, 2022


It's something that you plug in and FUCKING YEET AT YOUR SON IN THE BATH!!!

Jimmy:what are you doing?
Dad:don't worry I'm just giving you a toy*plugs in toaster*
Jimmy:what is it?
Dad:*yeets toaster*HERE YOU FUCKING WHORE

by FUCKINGBITCH4206969666 May 27, 2019


Something, normally an electronic device, that runs slowly and heats up. It gets warm enough where you can toast bread on it.

Friend: *Sends video*
Verd: Sorry could you send me that video over email? My toaster phone can only view videos in 2 pixel quality.

by Radiotrophic Gint May 1, 2024