Web 5.0 also known as Identer Technology derived from the use cases of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 where in the internet age only ends to executional part but doesn't give emphasis to it's authenticity and decentralized identifier mechanism.
Web 5.0 is the new birth of technology automating Blockchain and focused to it's technology usefulness rather than financial aspects.
Therefore, Web 5.0 solves the digital problem of identity theft, data breaches etc... taking the concept of interoperability and anonymity.
My files is save in Web 5.0 system.
A hob web is usually a young male that cannot cook to save himself and the hob has spider webs on it
That young boy is a absolute hob web he hasn’t cooked since he went to college
how old people say the internet
wth is the world wide web dad?
black web made for black peopl
"i will go to the black web"
"you cant, youre white!"
Indicates a more illustrious, elitist approach to the world wide web.
Aw,how gratifying to be stuck for hours on the world wide silk web.
a vagina that hasn't seen a penis in a while.
Girl one: I need a man
Girl two: Why?
Girl one: I'm pretty sure I have vaj webs
crusty toe booger spider web, but shortened
me: i ate a mosquito
friend: WHAT
me: yum
friend: what did it taste like
me: taste like crust toe boog web
friend: broo gimme some that sounds yummy