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tummy time

1.verb; Following ejaculating onto the abdomen of another; the attempt by the recipient to remove said ejaculate by rubbing their abdomen. tummy refers the the region that is being cleaned, and time is the amount of time this futile attempt at cleaning occupies.

2. verb; A popular dance in urban-suburban dance clubs. A woman holds her hips, gyrates, while lowering herself down vertically. upon reaching roughly the level of their knees, the hands reposition onto the stomach and rub in circular motion with both hands. gyration slows at this point, and as the rubbing starts the dancer raises from their lowered position until they stand erect. once erect the dancers hands are rubbed on their dance partner and the cycle is repeated

a. All was going fine untill i gave her tummy time.

b. I gave her a tummy time out

a. up in a club, gave herself a rub, we dont need no bub, tummy time, she just need some love

b. tummy time, make me feelin fine, wanna blow my mind, right above your line

by rockdock November 24, 2010

39πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

stoppage time

Additional time added to the end of a soccer (football) game. Since soccer has a constantly running clock that stops for nothing, alot of "playing time" is wasted away for any these reasons: injuries, a goal scored and the celebration that follows, arguing with officials, substitutuons, red and yellow cards, and taking forever on throw-ins, free kicks, corner kicks and goal kicks. (as well as a few other posibilities)

This added time ia supposed to make up for some of that wasted time.

Stoppage time can be anywhere from 1 minute to 5 minutes long, but is not exact. It always just seems like the referee can stop the game randomy, and know one but him knows when the game will be final.

Person 1: I wish that soccer had a clock that actually stops when a problem arrises or nothing is going on.
Person 2: Yeah, that whole stoppage time thing doesn't make a lot of sense.

by osu fan August 10, 2006

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Fo Time

Fo time is similar to "go time" but specifically pertaining to a SHTF type scenerio, including, but not limited to a Zombie outbreak, Major terrorist attacks, urbanized rioting, martial law, basically any calamity that requires men of action to defend their homes/ families/ country ETC.
Made popular on firearms forums such AR15.com

Hey, the lakers won a game, and they are rioting in down town LA , if this keeps going...it could be Fo Time.

Ohh boy, some terrorists just blew up ****, get your gear ready..its Fo Time

Ar15 is going crazy, is it Fo Time ?

by M4arc July 23, 2011

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Time Rapped

When you have an important deadline to meet and time seems to be going faster in order to screw you over.

Guy1: I had a paper to turn in for science, but while I was working on it was like, one second it was 9, and then next second it was midnight. Guy2: You totally got time rapped!!

by Xero _ Manifest October 31, 2010

53πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Greek Time

People of Greek descent are always late by at least 15 to 30 minutes.

I tell Nicole I’m going to pick her up 30 minutes earlier than I’m going to because she’s always late and runs on Greek time.

by Greekgirl88 May 30, 2020

Mason time

The schedule or timetable used by disorganised people who can never arrive at any event anywhere near the time they intended

Person 1: Where the fuck is Jamie?
Person 2: That useless cunt, he's running on Mason time again

by curlyhairedman August 23, 2011

program time

West coast slang for time to grind, get deep work in.

i.e working out, hustling.

"It's program time homes!"

by SDFL6 March 5, 2022