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Third World Snack

A largely unknown brand of snack food or snacks.

Do you have any Lays Chips?
No but I have Pazz Chips.
What are they?
Oh, there a Third World Snack.

by Hackermeyer January 5, 2009

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itchy third eye

When ones asshole is itchy... also known as the " third eye "

After farting loudly I suddenly developed a really itchy third eye

by itchy third eye December 12, 2018

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third degree burn

A burn so hard that the target is just speechless. often people will call them out for it

Tom and Bob went to the dog fight.

Tom: Hi Bob.
Bob: Aye Tom, sup.
Tom: Nothing much, you?
Bob: Well, are you here to enter that tiny dog of yours in? Its so small! It wouldn't do anything!
Tom: that's what your girlfriend said to you last night!
James: Lets get this guy to the burn ward, looks like he's got a third degree burn!

by Dr_dude January 12, 2014

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Third World Groupie

A western white guy who likes dark, beautiful, foreign girls.

Steve is such a Third World Groupie. He loves watching those starlets in the Bollywood movies.

by Ma$tiboy July 23, 2016

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third base coach

Someone that knows how to bring the laides home. Some how no matter what you seem to be able to get the girls to round third and get to home every time. You coach the girls and wave them home. If you aren't a good third base coach the night usually ends in a triple.

I went home with this girl Laura last night. She was hesitant to go past third base, but being the great third base coach that I am I was able to wave her in and bring her home. I scored big time. Now I'll think about letting her step up to the plate again in a few days.

by zwill May 10, 2006

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Third grade bully

1: A bully from a third grade class
2: Someone who you remember from that you used to dislike but laugh about now.

My wife said the name reminded her of the third grade bully but we decided to name our baby Graham anyway.

by milkncookies September 10, 2005

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sir fagmire the third

a name for any rich white guy that is also a little fag.

"your clothes dont match man, you little Ragamuffin!"
"shut the fuck up sir fagmire the third, you little bitch!"

by Bishop March 18, 2004

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