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Crumb Pussy

The last remains of a sexual partner. Sex that occurs right before a breakup, or in anticipation of a breakup. Similar to eating leftover crumbs after a snack.

I fucked your mom one last time before I dumped her. Getting some of that crumb pussy, bro!

by Crumbyboi November 24, 2021

Bum crumb

Residue of toilet paper left on someone’s behind after wiping.

“Did you know kyle’s dad’s “bum crumbsfloat up to the top of the water when his dad has a bath

by November 30, 2021

Pussy crumbs

Hey it looks like you have a couple of pussy crumbs may I take a bite

Nice pussy crumbs bro

by Pussy crumbs February 16, 2021

Crumb dog

Giving a blow job to an individual with a gluten allergy after earlier or while eating cookies or other gluten filled food items with the intent of secondary swelling and an enhanced size of the erection

My husband has struggled with erections lately but luckily he's gluten intolerant and I can give him a crumb dog

by aqua bandit August 19, 2024

Watermelon Crumbs

The last bits of watermelon left after scooping out or eating a slice. Just scrape the little bits out and you have a nice snack of watermelon crumbs to enjoy!!

Mom: (balling watermelon) Come get your watermelon crumbs
Kids: (grabbing bowl) WATERMELON CRUMBS!!

by DrownWithMe May 29, 2019

Crumb Soup

Gravy made from batter bits left in cooking oil after frying meat.

Please add an extra scoop of that Crumb Soup on my mashed potatoes.

by Sunrise6771 February 27, 2024

Crotch Crumbs

Little crumbs of snacks that get left near the nether regions while enjoying treats in a relaxed state

Brian had crotch crumbs all over himself after enjoying his Chicago mix of popcorn while chillaxing on the couch

by TRIPLEDEAC March 3, 2019