A gun toting, malt liquor chugging believer of QAnon and other conspiracy theories such as Jewish space lasers causing forest fires or Gazpacho Police gun confiscation. Often married to a first cousin or other relative. Impregnated and conceived in a pickup truck. Lives in a single wide trailer with a tattered awning and 4 or more junk vehicles parked out front. Has braided armpits and few if any teeth. Thinks that she might be a good congressional representative since she never missed an episode of Jerry Springer.
She’s a regular Marjorie Trailer Greene now that she can chug malt liquor from a champagne glass, belch and fart, all at the same time. I’m guessing her life must be difficult trying to fool people into thinking she’s not a trailer trash Barbie. She donated her entire 401k savings to the Trump Save America PAC.
A gun toting, malt liquor chugging believer of QAnon and other conspiracy theories, such as Jewish space laser causing forest fires or Gazpacho Police gun confiscation. Often married to a first cousin or other relative. Impregnated and conceived in a pickup truck. Lives in a single wide trailer with tattered awning and 4 or more junk vehicles parked out in front. Has braided armpits, few if any teeth and tattoos of Donald Trump on her ass. Thinks she might be a good Congressional Representative since she never missed an episode of Jerry Springer.
She’s a regular Marjorie Trailer Greene now that she can chug malt liquor from a champagne glass, belch and fart at the same time. I’m guessing her life must be difficult trying to fool people into thinking she’s not a Trailer Trash Barbie. She donated her entire 401k to the Trump Save America PAC.
Someone who parks trailers. Usually at trucking companies and freight companies. They use a special tractor, designed to quickly move trailers in and out of docks more efficiently than a regular truck can. Also known as Hostlers, Yard Goats/Dogs/Trucks, Spotters, and curse words in many languages.
Ask the trailer jockey to find your reefer, driver.
A short sequence of scenes cranked up into a small film that depict what the movie you'll be watching could have been if it were to be good. Often the trailers for upcoming movies appear a lot better than the movie itself.
John: "Hey did you see that new movie trailer for *insert upcoming movie*?"
Martin: "Yeah I did, looked great. If only the movie was as good as its trailer says it's gonna be.."
seeing something before it happens
It’s where a person says there Christian even though they don’t do Christian acts.
Conner: hey man. I just sent nudes to a girl on Snapchat
Chandler: aren’t you Christian?
Connor: ya. So what
Chandler: man your a trailer park Christian.
Trailer park haiku is a low rent version of and original haiku meant to lend a higher consciou awareness of the situation or experience ie; she said she thought the world of me she said she couldn't live without me and then she said yes officer that's him.
Excuse me does the management allow trailer park haikus here?