Source Code


A shit that requires 3 flushes to account for the waste.

I had to pull a hat-trick because of those spicy enchiladas.

by TwoPiece November 14, 2016

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Period Trick

1. Changing the size of all the periods in an essay to make it appear longer than it actually is. Commonly used to meet length requirements of a paper.

2. The reasoning a girl uses to avoid having sexual intercourse.

1. Oh shit! my essay is short by about a page. Time to use the period trick!


Mary: So I saw you and Brad together last night! Did you...ya know?

Sammy: No, I really didnt want to have sex with him, so I pulled the period trick and just gave him a bj.

by roflzorz07 April 20, 2011

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big trick

The act of having sex. Sometimes meaning oral sex specifically.

"Cal seems happy today...I'll bet he's been doin' the big trick with that hot chick he met at the lounge."

by pbxman January 25, 2014

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Fat Trick

Fucking three fat chicks all in the same night at separate times.

Bob: I got a hat trick last night
Tom: What are you talking about? Those chicks were whales, it was a fat trick.

by KD4747 January 9, 2009

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Trick threat

The threat implied by children who knock on the doors on the 31st of October, widely known as Halloween, after saying the phrase "Trick or Treat".

The threat is ambiguous, and can result in many different outcomes. Egging, toilet-papering, or bags full of dog shit are commonly expected, but graffiti, and vandalism, and other criminal acts may be committed.

Police Officer #1: "Did they threaten you in any way, did you see weapons of any kind?"
Larry David: "No, there was no threat, except for the "trick" threat."
Police Officer #2:"What's the trick threat?"
Larry David: The "Trick or Treat". No treat; trick. It's a threat! How far can you take these tricks?"
Police Officer #1: "If it was any other night sir-"
Larry David: "TRICK OR TREAT -- BANG, BANG!"

by Bdent27 July 8, 2011

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tricked out

Anything accessorized or decorated to the extreme.

Commonly a term used in reference to cars such as riceburners with loud irritating mufflers though occasionally applied to say, a computer with a see-through side decorated in neon lights and colored wiring so as to impress other shells of human beings

"Check out the chiggers with the 'tricked out' rides!"

"He thought 'tricking out' his box would get him some attention....well, it made Me laugh."

by Cable August 29, 2004

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trick fuck

sex whereby a woman, on purpose, gets pregnant in order to secure child support. Often this woman is nearing the end of her child-bearing years and the resulting child is the main reason for the sex, rather than the child support.

Susan, age 42, trick fucked Danny so she could satisfy her maternal instincts and make a few dollars.

by Jim in Jax April 4, 2007

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