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sketch walk

After the consumption of at least (2 1/2) Pills of Ecstacy (or any upper abused accordingly) a sketch walk can occur. During this walk, you must talk to and make uncomfortable at least (1) person you see on the street or working retail. Additionally, during the early sketch walks the person would notice something was amiss with the people he was conversing with (us) as they were visably on DRUGS.

Yo' Paul, wanna go on a sketch walk and scare some old people at a convention hall?

by Paulocaust October 3, 2005

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walking trophy

walking trophy is a term use to call a girl beautiful or gorgeous also a song sung by hoodcelebritty

my girl you look like a walking trophy in that dress

by vybzworldboss March 5, 2019

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walking disaster

A person who don't know how to do anything right.

You are a walking disaster, everything you touch and do get ruined!

by JDott March 9, 2016

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walk by texting

When you are walking towards someone and do not want to talk to them so you pull out your phone and pretend to be texting.

"Yo, he totally just walk by texted you"
"I know! Why does he have to be such an awkward asshole?"
"Ugh I know, walk by texting is not cool at all."

by jsutdance323 September 21, 2009

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gawk and walk

walking around for the sole purpose of checking out chicks; aka a "G and dub"

"i'm bored as heck here dude, let's go for a gawk and walk"
"yeah, i could definitely handle a G and dub right now"

by gawk dude April 21, 2009

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Walk of Lame

Pulling an all-nighter and walking to your first class the next morning straight from the library.

Adam spent the entire night at the library studying for a mid-term he was going to fail and took the walk of lame to his 8 am class.

by amoose October 26, 2009

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Dingus Walk

The long and annoying walk from the nearest bus stop to ones home.

"I'm saving my last cigarette for that friggen dingus walk"

"oh man, I'm not looking forward to the dingus walk, I'm dead tried."

by Maddie McGregor January 20, 2008

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