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An alternate reality not to be confused with bi-polar disorder. Pure success at the top, regardless of what other quacks out there might say.

I'm not bipolar. I am bi-winning

by pico80 March 6, 2011

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When you win here and there. The opposite of "Bipolar".

"I'm bi-winning. I win here and I win there. Now what?"

-Charlie Sheen

by Boobielover69 March 3, 2011

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To reach a level of mania that allows you transcend the terrestrial realm.

To have one speed. One gear. Go.

Only one human has ever been known to sucessfully do this; Charlie Sheen, The Tiger Blooded Adonis.

Among the powers that come with the state of being bi-winning are; the ability to have multiple female sex slaves live in your bed, the capacity to express phrases that no mortal could ever have come up with on their own and to do so with absolutely no preperation, and the capacity to do copious amounts of mind altering substances without any long term addiction simply because they are a paltry substitute to the drug that is oneself.

To try to mimick the state of bi-winning without tiger blood pumping through your system will lead to death and face melting.

Charlie Sheen: I'm Bi-winning. I win here and win there. No what?

by Elided Ego March 8, 2011

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When you win here, and you win there.

-Charlie Sheen

This term was used by Charlie Sheen in an interview with ABC. When Charlie was challenged with an accusation that he was bi-polar, his rebuttal was that he was actually "bi-winning." He uses the term "winning" throughout the interview in contexts, not only sexually related, but also in a conquering sense as well.

guy 1: Dude, what's wrong with you.... Are you bi-polar or something? How come you're not like everyone else?

guy 2: I'm not like everyone else because I'm better than everyone else, I'm bi-winning.

by G Ymer March 3, 2011

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are ya winning


are ya winning son?

by ihavenoidea1 December 29, 2022

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Godly win

The ultimate win in any sport

Final Boss had a godly win against UaK.

by Superr Mayne May 25, 2008

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Technicality Win

Whereby you win an argument through a technicality.

Germany has a history of evil - Person A

Hitler was technically Austrian - Person B

Damn. That's a TECHNICALITY WIN - Person A

by CommunismFails. January 10, 2010

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