A fat wreck is a person, usually someone who is heartbroken or fucked up over a relationship, who has eaten their feelings, usually a large amount of junk food, and perhaps alcohol, and has reached the terminal capacity for food, and has no choice except to examine themselves, and the wreckage of chip bags, pizza boxes and beer cans littering their domicile.
A fat wreck can also be a large wreck, or a big mess.
"Man, what happened to you? Why is our apartment a disgusting mess?"
"Linda broke up with me, man. I'm a fat wreck."
"That ten car pile up on the freeway was a fat wreck. Traffic was terrible."
A piece of a twinkie stuck in a nutella jar
Man that bus wreck was hilarious
A girl who is really loose but still get fucked
Becky is a wreck a mended but even tho shes fucked so many people id still smash
Proceeding to cause grievous harm on the environment by abusing and attacking various objects/people.
Similar to "Fucking Shit Up"
Yeah I agree,let's go somewhere,wreck the place
what is a good name for a dumb, trifling ass, nickel trickin, who thinks she slick, home wrecking, dope whore
what is a good name for a dumb, trifling ass, nickel trickin, who thinks she slick, home wrecking, dope whore
When someone does something to mess with your spouse and it’s either intentional or unintentional
That wrecking whore slept with my boyfriend without asking if he had a girlfriend
get wrecked in the name of shrek