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Bleeding From Your Ass

That moment when you are wearing white pants, period underwear, a tampon, and a pad but coochie blood goes through all that anyway, but you've been laying down on the floor for some reason and your coochie blood touches your asshole. So then you get up and the coochie blood is right in your ass crack showing through your pants.

Side note why do tampons look like long sperm cells?

Random person: "DIOS MÍO!!!! Líza you're bleeding from your ass!"

Líza: "Oh, sorry that's just my uterus. She must think you're cute."

by ItIsLizaNotLisaGetItRight January 27, 2023

jump through your ass

Military slang meaning to get moving ASAP, and/or do the impossible.

"You better jump through your ass and get that shit squared away!"
"The CO wants us to jump through our asses and get this M777 repaired before daybreak!"

by Fuzzbean January 26, 2024

jump through your ass

Military slang meaning to get moving ASAP, and/or do the impossible.

"Private, you ain't shuckin' and jivin' back on the f****** block! When I call your name, you better jump through your mother f****** ass and sound off!"

"You better jump through your ass and get that shit squared away ASAP, before Sergeant Cruz sees it."

"There's a firing exercise tomorrow... Chief wants us to jump through our asses and get this M198 repaired before daybreak!"

"They screw everything up at battalion and then we're the ones who have to jump through our asses at the last minute to fix it!"

by Fuzzbean January 29, 2024

your ass is mine

A threat. Used to indicate the speaker's intent to exact serious retribution from the owner of said ass. The literal threat is that the speaker will take ownership of the ass as their property and will freely penetrate the anus at their discretion, either for sexual pleasure, to inflict pain, or both. However, this literal act is rarely the intended form of punishment the speaker wishes to mete out. Usually, the speaker wishes to convey they will exert the full extent of their authority over the other person to assert dominance over them. Loss of bodily autonomy illustrates submission.

Commonly used as an ultimatum; e.g., "if you crash my car, your ass is mine."

Typically, this is used only amongst males where the threat of anal rape is playful banter with a homoerotic undercurrent. If used against the opposite sex, the threat of sexual violence carries a more severe tone and would be highly inappropriate.

Related phrases:

You selling your ass, boy?
I own your ass.

The game is over, your ass is mine! (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
If you drop the ball again, your ass is mine. (my sixth grade football coach)

by a_null_bandit December 28, 2023

banana up your ass and around the corner

An insult.
Very painful if applied on real life scenario's.

I'm gonna stick a banana up your ass and around the corner, you asshole!

by NiborB524 September 23, 2016

Walking on your ass cheeks

To be so high and couch locked that you have to slide one ass cheek then slide the other in order to make it off the couch

This Skywalker og will have you so high you’ll be “walking on your ass cheeks

by richgang7081 September 10, 2023

blast your ass

another phrase for “sorry to bother you” or “hate to inform you”

I don’t mean to blast your ass, but you should know that i cheated on you.

by poopyahole69 August 9, 2020