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Special Kiss

A blow job. Often used as a nicer sounding word than "oral sex". Made popular by Kane from "The Kane Show" on Hott 99.5

Her boyfriend asked her to give him a special kiss.

Guy: "can i have a kiss?"

Girl: "sure"

Guy: "How about a special kiss?"

Girl: "fine"

by iloveagoodblow August 13, 2010

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kiss & diss

1. (noun) Rebound

2. (verb) To make out with someone and then ignore him/her the next day, treating the person like a rebound.

1. I need a kiss & diss before I start crying over my break up again !

2. That guy's too hott to just kiss & diss.

by lmaomuch September 21, 2009

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ass kissing

To suck up to someone, most likely to get something in return. Success rate is a 2/10 but can be a 3/10 if the person is mildly attractive.

β€œBruh on god he keep ass kissing me”

by @alexisxmercer April 5, 2019

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kissing withdrawals

Constantly craving juicy lips of the one who holds your heart.

This often happens when your love is being an idget.

Girl: I miss kissing. I am having kissing withdrawals. Let's make out.
Guy: Absolutely.

by Pumble-the-baby-penguin March 28, 2011

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mistletoe kiss

a kiss that is shared under the mistletoe alone or public
often seen around the holidays

a kiss you can give/get without getting in trouble

We shared a mistletoe kiss so we wouldn't get in trouble with my dad.

by X3 time December 2, 2011

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dingo kiss

Analingus. Like an Aussie kiss but in the outback.

"Elle MacPherson's booty is so hot I'd suck a fart out of her ass and hold it like a bong hit!"

"No man, Elle MacPherson's booty is so hot I'd give her a dingo kiss."

by Obscure One April 17, 2017

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men kissing

when two males kiss each other

also a thing that homosexuals like to do

men kissing is when 2 males kiss.

troy: hey nico i really like you, umm can we kiss

nico: yeah sure man, *now they start kissing*

ray: thats kinda gay doe

by you're clapped January 17, 2021

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