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Back In the Day

Referring to a past time in a person’s life who is at least 30 years of age, or older. Cannot be used by anyone under the age of 30 years old.

Back In the Day, we had no way to check in, or be checked on if we were outside, or away from a landline phone.

by RedCheshireBird June 27, 2019

Back in the Day

A time in which none of the currently occurring negative events could ever have taken place. No matter what the current circumstances are, you can rest assured that back in the Day, they never would have happened. Even if it seems likely that they would, some type of Deus Ex Machina event would have occurred that would most certainly have prevented the current situation from happening.

"Back in the Day, you could have jumped off of those Cliffs and still Swam for the Olympics the following Thursday".

by mistahroga January 8, 2021

Back in the day

Refers to a period of time when the speaker was still financially supported by their parents.

Oh, I know him! Back in the day, we used to get high and play GTA all night long.

by no_big_deal November 27, 2021


Payback that is overdue.

The act of retaliating or taking revenge against someone in arrears for harmful acts committed against you so long ago that your intended victim doesn't even remember what it's for.

Housemate: "Strange, I had a flat tyre this morning, I had to change it before going to work."

You: "Have you pissed anyone off lately?"

Housemate: "Not lately. Although I did run over the neighbour's cat a few months ago."

You: "Sounds like they've finally dished out a bit of back-payback?"

by Stefanowicz January 2, 2007

Adam Here Back With Another Roblox Tutorial


Wow Adam Here Back With Another Roblox Tutorial is cool

by Wowowowknfnfnxnf November 21, 2018

back to the kitchen

the group chat of the culinary kids, that want answers to the final... but we are all dumb so we are doing it together

back to the kitchen: ya got da answers?

by we were cooler in school May 6, 2020

back to the kitchen

the group chat where all whom have culinary class come and shall give each other answers for the final that is very hard

this back to the kitchen thing wasn’t supposed to be sexist till kameron made it sexist

by we were cooler in school May 6, 2020