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South Stokes High School

Bunch of yee yee ass mfs, racist hillbilly’s and a bunch of rednecks and a lot of people that have a attitude such as “ I don’t give a fuck about you or what you have”

Have you heard how bad south stokes high school is

by Yeeyee mf January 5, 2022

james river high school

james river high school is your local poor kids hangout, located in the shit-pits of botetourt county, virginia. this hellhole we call home is the best (and only) 2A-and-slowly-dwindling-down-to-1A public school (as a matter of fact it's the only school) you'll find within about a hundred-mile-radius.

It's also the number one place to turn to if you're looking for any of the following:
a. pot
b. potheads
c. poor kids
d. eons-old teachers
e. various other drugs besides pot
f. a lousy football team
g. lousy bleachers
h. shitty school spirit
i. great pep club spirit?
j. furries
k. roaches
l. old cheesesticks behind the auxiliary gym bleachers
m. roughly two albinos
n. more roaches
o. ants
p. other, more bizzare things
q. the list could go on forever really

Some fun facts about the place:
1. Half of the seniors are about 8 feet tall
2. Every single male in the building can be found clad in a unicorn onesie on Pajama Day
3. There's a couple of teachers and some janitor dude who tell all the freshmen every year that there's a James River ghost
4. There is no ghost
5. Everyone hates the 2021-2022 freshman class
6. various, extremely strange items can be found in the many bathrooms around the school
7. if you ever meet JJ Halstead ask him about the piss bandit it's worth it

(if y'all don't accept this as a definition i swear i will sick jerry on you)

girl 1: "you go to lb?"
girl 2: "yeah"
girl 1: "i feel bad for you"
girl 2: "you go to james river high school?"
girl 1: "yes"
girl 2: "DAMN HONEY i feel bad for YOU"

by poppity poppins the chicken pi December 21, 2021

churchlands senior high school

Bad smelling school filled with far too many students that like graffiti-ing bathrooms, benches and bus stops. Any student that goes here is likely to be an asshole and will walk right into you

Churchlands students are the worst.
Churchlands students can't walk quickly in hallways.
Churchlands students get in the way.

Churchlands senior high school, a disgusting overcrowded school full of terrible people

by Peakgayperformace September 3, 2023

High School for Environmental Studies

The school located in West Midtown, New York City was once a 21st Century Fox movie studio. The school is an ordinary high school, but some of the students not in AP/Honors give the school a bad reputation.

“What school do you go to?”
High school for Environmental Studies
“Is there a shorter title?”

by MidtownMumbler December 29, 2018

saint augustine high school

high school in flawda. full of druggies, spikey dog color bitches, and anti masking rednecks. there is not a day that goes by that i don’t hear slurs from cisgender white peoples mouths. if you go to saint augustine high school, i’m sorry. if you don’t go to saint augustine high school, i’m sorry.

do u go to saint augustine high school?
oh, sorry.

by someone who goes to sahs co 20 September 10, 2021

wade hampton high school

wade hampton high school is so ghetto, people fucking under the bleachers, fighting outside the school, ppl pissing on they self, the be vaping in the bathroom, and sucking dick on the bus”

you go to wade hampton high school?”

“yea, why”
“that crunchy ass school lmaoo

by i don’t know hoe November 10, 2021

hinsdale south high school

just a bunch of gay people and you can get canceled easily, but the education is good

bro i hate the people at hinsdale south high school”

by ikxttyi July 25, 2022