A condition. Typically occurs on a Monday monring after you’ve spent a Sunday bent over building a shed. You back may never recovere. You are no longer 25z
Got-dayum, I got muhself some shed back after yesterdee’s shed buildin’
Rackhams was a large Department store located in the English city of Birmingham. The Alley way at the rear of Rackhams was a notorious 'Red Light' area and synonymous with prostitution.
The store was taken over by 'House of Fraiser' in 2003, but the saying persists with the old name
She's been working round the Back of Rackhams ( suggesting loose morals of a female)
1. (Phrase) referring to the action of taking something back and putting it where you stick it
John: Your mothers breast are nice
Adam: Take that back and put it where you stick it
take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it take that back and put it where you stick it
“take that back and put it where you stick it” - sammiesfriendsammie
2👍 1👎
And believe me when I say it’s water off a ducks back
The skid mark in your new underwear from your nasty ass not being washed from yesterday.
I sat down this morning for my typical shit before work and I saw I had a Dusty Back Road. I guess I should have showered last night.
The act in which, you and your partner freeze one’s doo doo in a condom then once you have the igloo base. You follow these steps.
1. Place igloo base on ground facing up.
2. Do a back flip onto the igloo
3. Done ✅
Girl: “Babe watch this igloo back flip” does igloo back flip.
Random tweaker: “do you have crack” does igloo back flip
Girl: “yes.”