a terrible and EXTREMELY OLD term that shouldn’t be used in 2020!
word. NO STFU
To agree with someone or something.
1) Sam: Where you from bruh?
Ray Ray: Chicago
Sam: Oh word.
The most useless word to define a word
"bro imagine reading and saying word 20 times"
A Word is word in Urban Dictionary that is an example on a mug you can buy from www.urbandictanary.com
Please vote mine in <3 you all <3 <3 <3
Yo u heard of Word from urban dic?
Go fuk u self
A word is a word. Why are you searching this, huh?
Person #1: I searched word up on urban dictionary last night.
Person #2: What was the result?
Person #3: A Word, duh!
Word is something used in a sentence such as all this right now.
We are speaking using words right now