Has crazy-ass definitions that are actually very on point.
There are names, dates, slang words, real words, fake words. etc.
Just look it up on Urban Dictionary.
If Wikipedia and a dictionary fucked and had a child Urban Dictionary is the result
Go look up pineapple on Urban Dictionary
the best site to find out what words mean
"hey what site would i use for my definition?"
"definitly urban dictionary!!"
A website where people are able to use so much profanity, write porn, and come up with an infinite amount of terms for sex/sexual actions, but where people who want to write definitions that clear up misconceptions about Fandoms and things that people might actually look up can't get anything onto the website.
People hate this one Fandom because they assume things just because of the name, so I wanted to put a clear definition of the true story on the Urban Dictionary, but it didn't make it.
Bruh do you need me to explain it to you?
No seriously, you're on urban dictionary and you need me to EXPLAIN what it is to you?
A website with definitions that are either horny, vulgar, or don't make sense.
Person 1: I looked up carrot on Urban Dictionary and it said it was a word used for/by naïve One Direction fans. And it's a sex toy.
Person 2: Wow, that's crazy. I'll be right back I just need to head to the store.