A white substance consisting or proteins, enzymes and sperm cells, the sperm Is ejected when a man Is experiencing an orgasm/climax, Sperm can also be used to Impregnate a woman by having vaginal sex
Kate: What did you do last night?
Jane: I was with my boyfriend
Kate: What were you doing?
Jane: He was cumming In my mouth
White shit that "comes" out my BBC when I'm hella horny
Aw shit, I'm cumming all over my dads car
cum is white pee from a dudes pp
bro waht the hell!!!! your friggin cumming all over me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
white stuff that comes it your pp
am going up and down it feel nice oh wait am cooooooming eeeeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae that is cum