Blue scronchies are the best color scronchie, texture scronchie, and most stylish.
Only cool VSCO girls wear blue scronchies.
A lot like a Hatfield/McCoy divided family, a blue/gray divided family isn't meant to be functional. As much as the more pretentious family members tend to hide the lack of civility for an everything's fine facade, a blue/gray divided family doesn't work out in the long run.
There was nobody left in the Hatfield/McCoy divided family after they all decided they would be the last family member standing, or every other family member was coming with them, which might have been for the best, as nobody would miss some of them. The blue/gray divided family next door snuck in surplus ammunition.
use this word to refer any kids that wearing blue hoodie or act like a blue hoodie and is riding on bicycle while yelling at you: “why you swear at me!!!”
guy: *is walking*
some kid: your family is going to die
guy: this kid is such a blue-hoodie, but he on a fucking scooter instead
Something worn to symbolize standing for civil rights and common decency towards minimum-wage workers.
From the viral video of a man throwing a smoothie at a teenage employee wearing a blue hoodie.
Person 1: “Yo, did you see the girl taking that Karen down?
Person 2: “Yeah! She was rocking that blue hoodie.”
when you see a wild beau in histrocial perspectives
that was a might blue and gold chain
The Pebbledash Blues are a particular brand of isolation and apathy symptomatic of any condition which prevents you from moving more than 10m from a toilet (due to chronic diarrhoea, hence the use of pebbledash. The origins of a case of Pebbledash Blues can be wide ranging, from participation at a craft ale festival to Norovirus. Sufferers of the 'Blues are generally identified by their sick demeanor, unwillingness to leave the house, an awkward gait caused by an overworked ringpiece and the rank odour emitted from their bathroom.
Is Richard coming out tonight?
Nah, he's sulking at home with a case of the Pebbledash Blues.
A condition often aquired at the end of the NCAA Basketball season during Conference Championship Week and the first few rounds of the NCAA Basketball Championship--affectionally known as March Madness. It results from changing the channel every few seconds trying desperately to catch every second of every game, but in the end never fully achieving the satisfaction and release from the closure of seeing every play of every game.
Caller: "Dude, have you been watching March Madness hoops?"
Friend: "Hell yes! The only thing is, I've got to put a bag of frozen peas on my knuckles in between games. Having four games on at once is killing me, I've got a serious case of Blue's a damn good thing I've got two hands!!!