When someone acts incredibly dumb because of adhd. Usually people who do this act have names that start with the letter E.
Can you STOP D-ING! You just spilled my coffee.
This word depicts an individual that is arrogant and commonly expresses distaste towards issues they created.
Marty D’s are typically cruely manipulative to a fault, and are the type to throw adult temper tantrums which consist of being loud to prove a point, and menacing and emotional endangerment of other conversation participants.
Marty D is also the ex-husband of Janet Mary Crunican that inspired the book “The Fight of The Mind”.
Don’t pull a Marty D…we don’t need another adult temper tantrum
When something gets note 7'd it means that it exploded. This is because of the note 7 by samsung that had a defective battery. Samsung had to shut down all of these mobile phones to prevent more explosions from happening.
I threw this bomb and it note 7'd.
Terrorists note 7'd the building
Weird ignorant freak sideshow clowns
Wow. Big d and lyin R and weird ignorant freak sideshow clowns