A school full of snooby retards, Full of fake ass kids smoking their “50$” carts in the private restrooms. With the shitty sport teams always high on some typa shit passing around nic in the locker rooms while giving eachother hand jobs, hallways filled with furries and weird ass looking kids.
Guy1: I love going to little miami high school
Guy2: Ill sell you a cart for 50$ and nic for 35$
Guy1: Hell yeah! Ill just use daddy’s money!
A school in Pennsylvania full of children and drug addicts who cant ever learn to stfu. It's a place full of lesbians and dikes and tranys
Dont go to central mountain high school or you will get an STD
At Gordonvale State High School you can find fuckboys, druggos, girls who where they’re shorts so high that they asses are hanging out and guys in grade 10 that date girls in grade 8, guys in grade 8 that date girls in grade 7 and girls in grade 8 that date guys in grade 12. You’ll find most kids being sent down to A12 and getting suspended. The fuckboys are hit ofc cause thy always are. If you head to gordy skate park you’ll sometimes see kids smoking durrys and most weekends an after soon you’ll seem boys burning around on motorbikes out at grenpath. Others on scooters
Have you been to Gordonvale State High School Lately
Yeah fuckboys every where
50% Hispanic
15 minutes of fame when Principal Dr. Richard gave 2 boys the option to hold hands for an hour as a punishment.
Hey bro. I go to Westwood. Westwood High School (Mesa), that is.
Great Valley High School is a pretentious-ass school that prides themselves on "being one of the top schools of PA" but lacks the civility of aiming poop into the toilet (i’m looking at you sink-shitter).
“Hey, did you hear about that fruity rich kid at Great Valley High School?"
"Yeah, you mean all of them?"
Crackheads and dumb bitches, also very gay
Kids at BART are gay asf 🤡 BART middle and high school