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Joe Mama

If you see then you probably are wondering who is Joe. Well my friend joe is actually a very good friend of mine that I’ve known for exactly 20 years, yea a pretty damn long time. We are actually married and we’re having kids next month! Joe is going to be a Mama!!!

Some nigga: Wanna go meet up with joe’s mom later?

Some white Christian nibba: who’s joe?
Some nigga: JOE MAMA

by 🤰 October 27, 2019

Joe Mama

The nice mother of joe who's a convicted felon with a criminal record of thirteen different accounts of arson and fourteen different accounts of murder.

wow your mom is like joe mama

by DRIEDDEIDEDEID September 12, 2021

joe mama

often used as to fuck your mum up the ass

johnny- whats up
candice- joe mamas up my ass cunt

by ja1mee September 9, 2021

Joe mama

A joke that isn't funny. Stop using it. Please

Michael: Shut the fuck up

by yeahmanIwatchthehub November 15, 2021

Joe mama

Ur mom but even better

Person: who’s joe

by Your Mom’s Husband February 3, 2020

Joe mama

Don't ask who Joe is.

Dumbass niqqa: "Who is Joe?"
Smartass niqqa: "JOE MAMA!"
* Dumbass niqqa dies of being dumb*

by Ymanakin September 17, 2019

joe mama

a mystical being who founded the galaxy 420 years ago. we worship him with an ancient ritual

all hail joe mama

by poopmeister420 January 14, 2021