When you have a friend who doesn't want to hang out or do anything. Who always has an excuse.
My friends are acting like baby back bitches
All the Kyle's in the world
Kyle is a baby back bitch because he never wants to do anything and comlains about it
When Chastity is spewing lies she shows that she is a baby back bitch.
When karma hits Chastity she will really be a baby back bitch .
When her gap itches she acts like a baby back bitch.
People who are always being told what to do by there parents and get treated like a fucking baby in other words there a mommas boy or a baby back bitch
Shut up michael, you Baby Back Bitch!
One of the few dogs in the world that are scared of the wind.
I let my dog outside on a windy day and he stayed by the door like a baby back bitch shaking and barking to come back in.
Someone who fucks baby carrots
Guy 1: Ayo that's the baby back bitch
Guy 2: He fucks carrots?!?
Guy 1: yeah man, it's wild, just wish my name was baby carrots