The coolest man to ever exist. (He is "good" at math) Also he has commited 49 crimes in total 6 being rapes, 8 kidnappings and 35 murders.
He acts like Ron John.
A penis sucked by a gay man in a bathroom. Cuz a bathroom is called a "john," and a penis is like a candy bar.
What you doing tonight, Joe?
Oh, gonna go out and try n get me some john candy
A white cracker who plays guitar and has said the nigga word several times
A slur used by westraurians who likes big black oily men
Hey! Look at that John Dykson!
A guy who compensates with the cars he drives, and fake ice. On his off-time he likes to downhill-ski with the boys in the backseat of a shitbox Tacoma while listening to Rack City through a gen. 1 iPod.
Awh shit, John Todd brought the gay parade again
A high school in East Lancashire, England, and is run by an evil witch and her evil accomplice, which sadly can not be named due to urban dictionary rules and guidance, however the evil witch and her accomplice has a reputation for causing the staff to run away in fear and quit their jobs. The school is basically a prison, with having more security fences built around the school, which is bad for students but good if you want to turn it into a military outpost; when you realise the high school is catholic, you do understand why the priests might want to contain the students.
Person 1: Have you hears of SS John Fisher and Thomas More Roman Catholic High School.
Person 2: Yeah, be aware of the teacher who confiscates your MacDonald chicken nuggets, he has a reputation of throwing books at students.
The act of being a pussy when the bros wanna do something fun
Hey Jake, wanna go to the strip club
Nah man, I’m feeling pretty John McGraw