Associated with a time in the evening between 20:00 - 20:30 when George finishes his dinner.
"When are we meeting?"
"Just after George dinner time"
a girl whose chief aim in life is enjoyment, sensual or otherwise.
She is a high-time girl.
A slang term similar to Netflix and chill
Hey girl are you ready for some Amazon Prime and booty time?
Prison term that describes an inmate that concerns themself with things that are out of their control; making their prison sentence alot harder than it is
Chris: Mike is always worried about shit that he can't control.
Alex: Yea, Mike is always "hard-timing."
national text someone you havent talked to for a long time day is on the 21 of december! go text someone you antisocial fuck.
Hey we havent talked in awhile, did you know it's national text someone you havent talked to for a long time day!?