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New Fashioned Thumb Around

The act of giving someone two armed hug and suddenly putting each of your thumbs in their asshole simultaneously. This is an updated version of the Old Fashioned Thumb Around.

Excited to see his high school friend, Jerry ran over to Cindy at the Baskin Robbins and gave her a new fashioned thumb around.

by Jumbo Jackson November 9, 2019

New Egypt

i have NEVER in my life been to a worse town. I have lived here all my life and have hated it more than anything. all the kids here wish they lived in Texas or Alabama so they could really be a redneck hillbilly, there is constantly being rumors spread around about how someones fucking someone else and the bathrooms reek of someones vape or cart. this town is filled with racist, homophobic (closeted) boys and girls and the school system sucks and has only gone downhill since covid. we are millions of dollars in debt and everyone and their grandma loves to complain about the kids riding on dirtbikes past their house with their ring camera photos on the new egypt happenings facebook. they had to implement a rule where you couldn't have a confederate flag on the back of your truck while driving because of how much it was happening. you have a better chance of winning the lottery than finding a genuine friend and if you just moved here people will swarm you and then spread your shit around the school a week later. No one here likes it besides the parents that cope with the fact their perfect little small town is nothing what it looks out to be. we also have a big KKK population. six flags sucks too. the town is being bought out and if you didnt think it could get any worse, it is, and it will. every student who moves here wants to move back after 2 weeks at most.

this town is where rednecks, wannabe hoodlums, and whores come together as one.

new egyptian: "Yeah.. I go to new egypt.."

random: "where the fuck is new egypt?"

new egyptian: "by jackson, six flags.. you know"

random: "oh.. that place"

by helpabruthaout January 16, 2025

School News

The creator of the best music.

Did you listen to thank u, deb?

Is that a School News song?
Yes, it is!

by schoolnews1 October 12, 2021

new york tard

an mf from ATL Georgia wit a baby face and fucked up hair that thinks eren shits on any animanga when he’s too blind to tell demon slayer is better

personally i think attack on titan is better”

“don’t be like new york tard”

by 4letter’s 🥩🏄‍♂️ June 2, 2022

new york tard

a mf from ATL georgia with a baby face and fucked up hair that dated a fat mexican (kia) that thinks that eren is the best mf and AOT is the best animanga in existence when he’s too blind to see demon slayer is better

“i think AOT is a better anime though”

“don’t be like new york tard”

by 4letter’s 🥩🏄‍♂️ June 2, 2022

new york tard

an mf from ATL Georgia wit a baby face and fucked up hair that thinks eren shits on any animanga when he’s too blind to tell demon slayer is better

personally i think attack on titan is better”

“don’t be like new york tard”

by 4letter’s 🥩🏄‍♂️ June 2, 2022

New York Flu Like Symptoms

Fever* or feeling feverish/chills.
Sore throat.
Runny or stuffy nose.
Muscle or body aches.
Fatigue (tiredness)
Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.

While sometimes described as "New York Flu Like Symptoms" it's also described as:

Derby Drudge
Hong Kong Cough
San Fran Scam
Natomas Nap
Ventura Dysteria

Vaginal Myalgia

All of these conditions have one thing in common. Proximity to John "Youngie" Young.

AKA: Midget porn expert
Tax avoidance expert
Analogies disguised as metaphors expert

Chainsaw repair expert
Train spotting expert (not the kettles, he doesn't "Fancy" those)
Navy Seal Expert
Derby Tourist Guide (gay bar) expert
etc, etc, etc,

While English, he speaks like a yank and has lost his accent. Soft as grease, a public school boy.

Sits too far back on his seat, can't get his knee down, doesn't warm his tires (tyres), buys crap tires, worlds best absentee Dad.

Stay away, his chronic vaginal myalgia (pain of his lady parts) will fill you with dread, wearing you down until you feel like you were hit by a subway.

I hung out with Youngie last night and I feel like crap. - Oh Dude, you got New York Flu Like Symptoms

by Master Chief Shite July 10, 2019