Source Code

Fo Shosies

To say yes to or to answer a question

You wanna go to a show tonight?" "Fo shosies

by The kid from Kansas August 15, 2010

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From "Faux Queer"

1.The act of playing up to homosexuality for personal gain or profit.

2.The act of implying homosexuality in order to attract attention.

Often practiced by boys bands and male pop singers.

See also: Faux queer,faux bisexual,faux fairy, Robbie Williams

Gawd girlfriend, that boy is such a fo-queer!!

by tit_tassle May 30, 2005

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fo def.

originaly a typo on aim a combonation between for sure and definatly or def. now it is a word that is ten times better than both of those words

man that movie was of the hook
yeah fo def.

by Kyizzzzie April 19, 2006

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Fuck Around and Find Out.

Text messages
Bob: You come home or what?

Alice: FA&FO!

by Pseudo Tcl August 22, 2021

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Fo shizzle

My nizzle.

Snoop Dog: Fo shizzle, my nizzle.
Me:For sure, man.
Snoop Dog:Naw, you gotta say it like me.
Me:For sure, I got it.
Snoop Dog:Fo shizzle you don't.

by UnmeiShira May 6, 2011

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fo shagonan

New, cooler way of sayin "fo Shizzle"

for sure; yes

Austin: wanna go to that party and get our asses drunk?
Juan: fo shagonan g'

by Ellie Amani December 2, 2004

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vernacular for IMers and fast typers who make slight mistakes; same as "for real" but wayyy cooler

urmomscolorblind: That's fun!
meatwad218: fo rela

by rdyce218 September 16, 2008

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