You Get 0 Play
Nathan U get absolute 0 Bitches Where ya hoes at
See ¥
Simmilar to $. Japanese yen. Also a great shout out while online gaming.
100,000¥ ($)
That costs 10 alternate 0 1 6 5
3👍 5👎
can i have your phone #, no the lady answers ..well here you can have mine
its ou812 ....... then walk off.
7👍 19👎
this is the literal peak of boredom
when you are so bored you hit one key, jump 2 keys then jump back and repeat through the whole keyboard from up to down giving you `213243546576879809-0=zcxvcbvnbmn,m.,/.adsfdgfhgjhkjlk;l'
20👍 2👎
I'm not sure how you got here, but I can't say that I'm not impressed. At least with things like
aeiouqwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm or
there's a pattern. This is just completely random 👏
Dude: According to urban dictionary, ©™}¢π∆®%€√÷¶`°-@'/*?0$&^}`\~•>¥ẞ is a word.
seeing a GGGIA II••••0{{{{}}\\\ ••••||||| swgiaaa -======24567 •••| FFF|||a•••• girl
that girl is so GGGIA II••••0{{{{}}\\\ ••••||||| swgiaaa -======24567 •••| FFF|||a•••• and im so into it