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Boogie Woogie Syndrome

A syndrome when friends play a game and instead of playing, the talk for a long period of time while jumping aimlessly

“When we play we just start talking and jumping around the map

“Must be the Boogie Woogie Syndrome”

by ElOdin892 January 12, 2024

Boogie Woogie Syndrome

Talking with a Friend while aimlessly jumping, running, or driving around a video game world while not really playing the game for a long time.

I should have been doing my homework but I had boogie woogie syndrome last night.

by JacobG5 January 13, 2024

Boogie Worm

A boogie worm is a nasty booger motherfucker all up in your business about everything, so you have to pull the motherfucker out of your nose's business with your finger and then roll him into a ball flick him onto the street for being disrespectful and shit for being invasive n shit.

Hey Yo, What U Up To Gabriel and Jahseh?

Yo we are busy doing sum shit come back later.
Lemme see what's that shit in your hand Lemme have it *snatches it out of Jahseh's hand*
Fuck off My Product Nigga, go get your nappy bush Boogie Worm head ass the fuck out of here, you are attracting attention Nigga
Fuck Out Of Here Felipe, go fuck off and go gangstalk somebody else you chigger, in the meanwhile mind your goddamn business you fuckin disgusting Boogie Worm and go lick a hot hampster dick because you are attracting the pigs with your loud Boogie Worm headass.

by TheClique27 October 25, 2024

Boogie witch

Someone who acts so nice in public but so fucking evil and a stealing murderous bitch in private

We all believed in this boogie witch and went to hell for it . Boogie bitch!

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ June 6, 2022

boogie nook

Boogie Nook- is the area under your car seat that catches all your boogers while you pick your nose at traffic lights.

Johnny wipes his boogers all over his Boogie nook.

by J-E January 13, 2012

Boogie Ride

See "walk."

It wasn't far to the lesbian picnic, so we took a boogie ride.

by Qwakker June 12, 2020

Boogie on looker

Someone who picks their nose and looks at it.

He's a boogie on looker

by Johnhy Pi November 5, 2016