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11👍 3👎
Falaron: "Hopefully I can get the mug overfilled by voting yes on the definition of 'Help me severely overdo the text box for the mug ad below this definition so it looks funny' and then buy it."
Exalothorn: "I doubt it, but hey, it's worth a shot!"
13👍 2👎
" what if i copy this and paste it im sure I'll get something funny ahahahahah "
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" ok "
" Stop. Do something with your life. Stop trying to find these " ohh haha look how bored you are xdxd " easter eggs. Get. A. Life.
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33👍 7👎
Why the fuck did you type this
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4👍 2👎
Longest definition on all of Urban Dictionary.
This definition will break the Urban Dictionary "mug" ad below. It will go off to the sides of the webpage and just pretty much completely break Urban Dictionary. Word max count is 1500, but Urban Dictionary breaks here. Goodbye!
That's a lot of text!
16👍 5👎
When you just become so incredibly bored that you search for the text with a gif on the right side of a definition.
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22👍 3👎
congratulations you have just reached the max amount of boredom you can ever reach on the planet
do you even have anything else better to do than this???????
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