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My name's Ashley so this comes from someone reliable trust me I know. Let's start with the definition shy, at first but once you get to know her she will talk a mile a minute you may need her to slow down when she talks. Ashley also has a beautiful sense of style she knows what goes together and what doesn't though don't ask her to make a decision or ask her an opinion on anything because she will most likely say I don't care, doesn't matter, surprise me. Ashley's are super nice so she would rather mask the truth then say you look like a disaster. Ashley's will also do anything for you if she can she's super reliable not very religious she's not exactly sure where God or Buddha, or any other religious figure fits in her life. Ashley's can be very self critical but can also think that she's super hot the next minute. Ashley's are super sexy and beautiful so much guys throw themselves at her and she practically blows off guys until she meets the right one. Ashley's are super determined never say she can't do anything because she will prove you wrong eventually. Never hurt her or anyone she's close to because she will turn on you and become very distant with you, and won't show her true self until she knows that you won't hurt her again. You can talk to her she will litsen but will not give you any advice or interrupt you so if you tell good stories get ready because she lives for a good story.

Did you see Ashley today

Yeah I did

What did she say
How are you, can I help you with anything

Ashley seemed different today
Well you did hurt her yesterday and she said don't worry about it but I think she secretly cared

by Annabelle321#$_&-+()/?:"$3 November 25, 2018

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a idiot who yells at you for something normal is a 1 IQ sea monkey and likes to have affairs' with teachers and gets your friends in trouble

someone stole a pencil Ashley 2020

by e man in can October 16, 2020

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Also known at Jack. Ashley is a jerk that just stabs everyone they meet in the back. They are such a traitor and you can’t trust them. Don’t be a Ashley aka Jack. Just don’t

Person 1: omg it’s Ashley why did I ever trust them?
Person 2: yeah Ashley is a cunt

by Yeetboiscreee February 18, 2019

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Just a Blaten butt who will stab u in the back

Ashley started a fight with me over cheese

by Banana_Guns2 August 10, 2020

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Anyone named ashley is a certified BITCH. They are smelly and have lice. BE CAREFUL!! They also are pedos!! So be careful when you come across an Ashley!! They are toxic and scary.

β€œI have an eating disorder even though I’m chubby”

Oh that’s definitely an Ashley!

by Hh.olivia March 1, 2020

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A name for a girl, considered very 90's. Occasionally coupled with the name Kate (also very 90's.) Usually a Ashley is 100% amazing. If you get her don't let her go, she'll be your bestfriend and your partner. Something to note is that she may use shortened words such as "tots" for totally, and weird words like "amazeballs" for amazing, may on occasion have a boston accent, and be obsessed with pink.

Hey Ashley, want to go out to dinner?

by McChickens4Life July 26, 2015

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A beautiful and smart girl with long black hair and beautiful skin has wonderful friends and family

The best person to be around is a bad ass at times

Dont make her mad she can get on yo case and spill all yo tea
Is super skinny but is always eating

Everyone needs an Ashley in there life

by AyeitzAristotle March 16, 2017

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